Thursday, November 1, 2012

WebQuest & Top 10 Tips/Uses

Below is a preview of my WebQuest for "Technology class." Good luck and happy questing!


 The great gatsby and the american dream web quest pdf from nicwithahole

Top 10 Tips for Webquesting!

1.       Web Quests are useful because the model of a Web Quest helps students decipher educational websites/resource sites from other less informed sites through the direction of the teacher.
2.        Web Quests allows students to analyze and synthesize information that they have found on the websites. This allows teacher to implement more technology in to the classroom, but continue with that tradition of activities having an educational focuses.
3.       The cool thing about Web Quest is that it can be used for one than one content area!
4.       Web Quests provide enough structure for students to stay-on-task, but they are also getting involved in their learning by exploring the different websites.
5.       Students can demonstrate the knowledge they have learned through the educational websites
6.       Web Quests can be used to guide student’s imagination, help students develop their critical thinking skill for larger projects, and can be given to substitute teachers, which if done properly the students can work independently to complete the Web Quest.
7.       Web Quests can also be completed in small groups where students can interact with each other more and explore the links to the websites given
8.       Web Quests are an interesting tool to use in the classroom because the activities can cover a wide range of diverse learners in the classroom and get each of them invested in the project.
9.       Web Quests templates can be helpful guides for teachers who want to provide interesting activities for the students, but teachers are also able to justify that learning objectives are being met and match those up to the curriculum standards.
10.   Web Quests are more than scavenger hunts, the websites provide to the students allow students to investigate and think creatively to solve the problem(s)/questions using the links as resources.

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