
Some synonyms for “collaboration” are “teamwork,” “partnerships,” and “support,” which is the basis that the following site Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)  provides to help support rookie and veteran teachers.

Sheila Amato was correct when she stated in her article "My Dirty Dozen" that her title would catch my attention and I wondered what she could mean as I clicked on the link. The can-do-attitude she illustrates throughout her dozen tips for rookie teachers (soon to be me) provided some useful tips and reminders. Honestly,  it is one thing to learn about educational theories and best teaching practices, but it’s nice to hear a veteran teacher who has placed those theories into practice and seen successful results.

2. Time-Saving Guidelines for Special Educators

Helpful tips and resources is the information this article has as it provides useful information on time-saving techniques that can be applied to special education (i.e. how to reduce paper clutter, and time management).
This webpage also provided these additional resources: Stress Reducing Strategies for Special Education Teachers, How I Survived the Paper Snowstorm of Special Education, and Seven Time-Management Sanity Savers

3. PASSION vs. COMPULSION: National Board Certification and Federal “Highly Qualified” Teacher Mandates

Learn about how quality teachers in the special education field are being assessed and the impact the initiatives are having on education. This site argues the advantages and disadvantages to the "Highly Qualified Teacher" mandate, while providing additional links to the following resouce sites: National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, U.S. Department of Educationand CEC Resources on Highly Qualified Requirements for Special Education Teachers.

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1 comment:

  1. Still learning how to show timestamp on pages, until I master that...this comment post is my time stamp. Thanks.
